Affordable and Quality Education

Covering primary, Secondary and Tertiary education; in one place

Access rich educational content that is created by expert teachers at very affordable rates and using multiple technology platforms.

  • Follows Approved Syllabus

    All classes on MobiSchool are taught following approved sylabus and curriculum

  • Accessible anywhere

    MobiSchool uses multiple technology to ensure that everyone, everywhere can access and participate on this platform.

  • Teachers 24/7

    Access a Teacher, anytime using multiple technology channels that are available.

Learn using available technology

MobiSchool is designed to ensure that everyone can access quality educational materials as well as have access to Teachers who are available to provide further assitance.

Try for Free

How does MobiSchool work?

  • Talk and engage with Teachers

    MobiSchool uses short 456 to allow students to engage with Teachers and the platform through SMS, Voice and Smart App

  • FM Radio Programming

    Mobischool 90.0 FM is available across the country to allow students to catch their favourite lessons on FM radio programming that is integrated with SMS.

  • Tests available

    MobiSchool platforms ensure that learners are able to track thier progress while attendign the classes. Each chapter ends with a test that the student can take.

Diana Liabuba
“Welcome to Mobischool! Connecting schools, students, and technology for better learning. Stay tuned for updates and innovations that make education smarter and simpler!”